Friday, December 14, 2012

Sandy Hook Connecticut Shootings

I am a Hindu and proud of it. But beyond that pride of Hinduism is my patriotic pride of being an American. Sure America is not perfect, our politics maybe corrupt and capitalism maybe the root of majority of the wars that the USA has been a part of in the last 10 years. But the USA is also the country that gave me as a Hindu, a Fijian immigrant an equal opportunity at life. Sure it wasn't perfect but it was a lot better than some of the other countries in the world tha'ts for sure. But as Americans we may have our political differences, our socioeconomic differences but at the same time we take pride in the fact that we as a society do everything we can for our kids.

When someone commits a heinous tragedy as the one committed today we must all stop and think about the world that we are preparing to hand to our kids. I'm a single, unmarried man living in the US but this morning as I learned the details of 20 innocent lives being lost, my entire being shook. While I know that the there are kids all over the world that are face unfortunate situations like this or worse daily, this is the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. We pride ourselves on a few things and I dont know where our values have gone but I personally will not let the beauty of America that I grew up in die. This is America and these children that we lost today will not have died in vain.

As devastating as today as been, I do have to say it has renewed my faith in humanity. People, friends from all walks of life have shared their pain today for children who's color we don't know, or their religion, ages, sex, orientation, gender, or anything beyond the fact that they are children. Children deserve a safe place and I can't speak for anyone but myself and instead of complaining about the world we live in, I intend to do something about it. America is the land of the free and if I as a citizen I have a problem with the way this country is run then I have a choice to make. Call me emotional, delusional or whatever you want - I will focus my professional energy into politics.

This should be fun.

Love all and let the light within shine bright.

-Digital Hindu


  1. Very unfortunate happening not only for America but any one who believes in equality,love and peace. In the name of developed world we are harboring this type of mentally and emotionally dearranged people.

  2. dhyan will show path of this type of persons

    oh WOW! what a "great" an introduction part for your condolence letter

    "I am a Hindu and proud of it. But beyond that pride of Hinduism is my patriotic pride of being an American. Sure America is not perfect, our politics maybe corrupt and capitalism maybe the root of majority of the wars that the USA has been a part of in the last 10 years"

    Do u think the parents of innocent victims would love to hear your speech ?
    getting out of your mind from the sorrow & grief ?

  4. Actually Yana this wasn't meant to be a condolence for those that have lost more than I can ever relate to. My point for right this was to share my thoughts, my feelings. I can't offer any words that help with their grief or with their sorrow. All I can do as one person is to make sure my personal efforts can lead to some good that can be credited to this event so when I look back I will know that this event was the catalyst that brought the change in me. If all of us did this the world would be better place dont you think?

    Some people use times like this to discourage others and some of us well we use times like this to bring change rather than miscontrue someone's intentions and try to promote it as self-promotion.
