Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Balance of Life - Good Vs. Evil

From as little as I could remember I was always attracted to stories, novels, movies, and TV shows that revolved around the concept of Good vs. Evil. Even well into my adult years my fascination with Good vs. Evil has never left me - I mean how could it not since the whole crux of any religion is Good vs. Evil. But in recent years I have come to conclusion that that this whole concept of Good vs. Evil is not as simple it seems.

Good and Evil are both mindsets. A instinctive operating module for every human to choose between. With those mindsets we add more layers to our thoughts based on our individual perspectives and then we take action and make things happen. Things as small as what we are going to eat or as big as the way you treat people you love. We are human so there is absolutely no chance of a purely evil and purely good nature mindset people. We are also a creature that is a sum of its parts - have a room full of thieves someone is bound to get robbed or have a room of lawyers and some is bound to get robbed again but in a totally different way ;) All joking aside - if everyone in the world was 51% evil actions and 49% good actions we would be a living in a world of Evil by pure definition. That is what I used to think as Good vs. Evil and the balance of it in our life.

Well it turns out this is where things get complicated.

We all have one perspective, ours. Not that of our parent, child, lover or who ever else you comes to mind. The individual perspective that we have is influenced by our ethics and different sets of values that have been instilled in us through our experiences. Every action is a culmination of Good or Evil based solely on our individual perspective. So by the time we actually carry out the action we think we are doing good because we have logically justified it to ourselves - every thief has a reason for stealing. Every liar has a belief that "makes" them lie. Some people think eating meat is evil others think its the natural order of the food chain.  There is definitely the reservation of doubt in every action varying in degrees with the hope you are making the right decision but the action is taken and done.  To that one person the action is justified to be good but the action's net result is Evil. The same is true for truly good actions the net result is good. The true problem is inaction. Evil is stronger and more powerful than Good, history and religion will teach you that. So the evil's actions are done. Good has been known to be weaker is some respects but in the end is resilient. Sometimes some actions won't come to fruition but actions will never cease to exist. Now consider this, Good vs. Evil is actually Good* vs. Inaction (*based on individual perspective) That's the balance of life.

That's the very reason the world around seems so crazy at this point. The balance of life is off.  Evil continues to march on forward is because its stronger and more powerful and Good while resilient is weakened not because of trying but expecting others to do something about it. For whatever reason we have become a world where most expect others to do something about the issues. The Government, the media, social organizations, New President, whatever is the flavor of that week. Instead why don't we go to our local schools and offer to help out. How about feeding the hungry? Buying the homeless a blanket? Or something as simple as not buying a product form a corporation you think is evil. Carpooling so people rely less on gasoline. Use cash instead of a card to pay for purchases at local small businesses helping them keep atleast 1.5% of that revenue within your community.

This world is lacking action of the Good kind ;) Sorry I haven't written in a while life's been crazy because I'm out to doGood.

Love all and let the light within shine bright!

Digital Hindu

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