Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Choice of Roads

Some days are interesting - today definitely was. Someone more knowledgable than me about the workings of the universe told me that I have a choice of two roads ahead, one of confusion and the other of happiness. The life of happiness is a new path that my life is on course for - without my past and in it I will truly find happiness. The path of confusion comes with it my past but keeps people in my life that were once the biggest part of my life. Being at this crossroad, I need to be able to answer a very simple question: Is the purpose of life self happiness?

I have heard it a million times and for the most part I agree - before you can take care of others you have to learn to take care of yourself. That's all fine and dandy for some moments but the question that I need to answer:  is it worth it to leave certain people that once mattered to me in life for personal happiness? Yeah I should take care of myself - thats what general knowledge says. But the fact of the matter is that I have lived my live with very simple but difficult, at times, principles: 

1) Everyone lives for themselves, someone should for others. 
2) While most swim with the currents, I choose to swim against them - hoping to creating a current of my own. 
3) I will live a life filled not with material wealth but by memories that mean the most to me. 
4) Never hurt anyone on purpose. 
5) Redemption is the greatest of all human qualities. 6) Money isn't everything - financial gain shouldn't lead to someone else's personal loss 7) There is good in everyone sometimes people themselves forget, we should remind people for their capacity of good any chance we get.

Now I also have to be honest and I have learned that regardless of how hard you try - sometimes life will work out that you won't be able to prevent other's personal losses, thank God for #5, more on that later. After every crazy thing that has happened over the course of my somewhat young life, I can honestly say that while life for me hasn't been perfect I can't change those principles. While the last couple of years may have been difficult and has tested me as a human being - there have also been great moments  like #6 throughout my life thanks to those principles and I can sit around for days upon days and tell you about the greatest moments of  my life that involved people that in many ways define me. The fact of the matter is whether happiness has eluded me or not in life, life has brought me certain moments that change a man forever. The trip to India that I have discussed many times changed so much about me. In all honesty when I boarded that plane to India I was a broken shell of a boy that once thought he could change the world if he wanted to. When I landed back from India I can tell without of shadow of doubt I returned a man ready to fulfill his duty in life. That trip to India had many moments but it also contained these moments: 

Moments where my friends and I ended up in a village in Uttar Pradesh, India where children had no schooling and they had the need for $25,000 USD. A change in the life of these kids has the price tag of $25,000.00. It wasn't just in UP that we saw these needs but all over India and the fact of the matter is  it woke up the human in me and got me to see the world from a much different perspective. 

If a future of happiness comes at the price that I lose people that helped influence moments like those days in my life then I choose the path of confusion. For me a life without those people that I met along the way that had pure hearts and were kinds spirits is a life without happiness. It maybe confusion but the reality is I haven't forgotten about those kids. I haven't forgotten the promises I made. The purpose of my life is to give people a fighting chance. If guaranteed happiness eludes then so be it - I will always to choose the life of craziness, with those that mean the world to me as long as we DoGOOD. 
Why do I share this with you? I dont know sometimes other crazy people like me need to know there are others out there that exist. 

As for those wonderful kids in Uttar Pardesh - I haven't forgotten about you. I'll see you soon. 

Love all and let the light within shine bright. 

-Digital Hindu

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