Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The New Year

So I have to admit - I lost some steam during the course of the last two weeks of the year. I guess in a weird way I enjoyed the holidays with my family and friends. I really wanted to write something at the end of 2011 about my thoughts as I always do here, but I guess I'm glad I waited to write until now. The first three days of this year have been better than all of 2011. I don't know whether, I've moved on from certain in incidents in the recent past or I have changed the way I look at the world but these last three days have taught me some lessons already, and I'm glad it did.

1) The Past will always come to haunt you - And boy did it ever. But with the past also came with the realization of today. I have done everything in my life with good intentions. I have never set out to hurt anyone and never have I tried cause any other human being any harm. Sometimes life throws so much on you that you try to do your best but you can't appease everyone. Sometimes it takes ghosts from your past to remind you that you have to move forward and never doubt your nature or who you are on the inside. That sometimes you just have to believe in your heart that your right and do as you have always done. The past will come, but remember its today, and today is your day.

2) Somethings are absolutely without a doubt meant to happen - They really are. Its almost as if only through tragedy that, we as people grow. The last two years have been hard on a lot of people, you can find this sentiment all over the internet and social media, but this year I see people starting with a new vigor, almost as if to say, yeah I learned what I had to learn. I see the human spirit back again, I see it in a lot of eyes and feel it emanating from a lot of hearts. I have spent a lot of time in the last few weeks realizing that some of those bad things couldn't have happened any other way, because if they did I wouldn't be where I sit right now. From one perspective it can look bad but from where I see my life, from the perspective where I understand it - I'm happy.

The past few days have also put the idea that change only occurs through creation. Somebody told me recently that 2012 is a year of creation. So here's the mindset that I have decide to create:

1) The past is in the past. If its not around me anymore - I dont desire it or yearn for it. I will make due with what have with me today, around me at this moment and be happy about the tomorrow that I am building, TODAY!

2) I trust in the way this world works. I believe that as long as I carry out every action of mine with God in my mind and heart, I will not stray wrong. But that doesn't mean I'll go on autopilot and follow conventional rules that are in front me. I will as they say, put my heart into it, I will be fearless in my beliefs and move forward with honor and make sure I laugh the whole way, TODAY

3) I will realize that as a human being if I want to remember yesterday, its called a memory. If I want to see tomorrow, its called a prophecy. All I have ever known all I will ever, all I have ever been IS TODAY!

If you dont get it, I have realized that it all happens today, everything! If I choose to be sad and down, I wont be happy and moving until I decide to do it, because the only time frame I have to do it in is today. I'm ready for this New Year and I hope you are to. If you like what I write or share - please do me a favor and make sure to share it!!!

Love all and let the light within shine bright.....


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