Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Lets look at this from a scientific point of view first.  We have 5 senses, they are receptors that carry a signal to our brain where that signal is then translated and understood by us. That's why two people can experience the same event - but we can remember them completely differently. Our brain is what helps us understand the reality in front of us.

Now there is a spirtual context that we NEED to remember. According to many eastern religions this is an age, Kalyug in Hinduism, when the soul of mankind will be lost. We are born into this age to find the divinity, the true power of our soul. All of us are special, we all have the capacity to be great because at the end of the day we are all the same. We all have souls and each soul is interlinked to that master soul - call him God, call her Nature, call it whatever you want. The main reason in this age our souls are lost is because of the Maya or distractions that are put in front of us - money, material desires, sexual fantasies and each one of these takes away from fulfilling the Karm(a) that each of us is supposed to fulfill. The Bhagvad Gita - the greatest conversation known to mankind was God talking to one of his disciples about how mankind will survive and thrive in Kalyug. In one of its chapters Lord Krishna talks about how to meditate and the importance of it. To make everyone's life easier I have linked you to a video found on YouTube just in case you dont have access to the Gita.

Each person's expirence is different with meditation but here's what I know: 
1) You get better at it with time - there are lot of thoughts that cross your mind every second, a majority of them are sub-conscience. Try to meditate for 5 minutes in the real beginning. Over the course of practicing and doing this on a consistent basis you will notice that you will start losing track of time.
2) As you meditate thoughts will come into your mind, dont focus on them just let them go crazy without giving it any attention, this is the Maya of Kalyug - this is what makes your soul lost.
3)You will know you are at peace, trust me - during my earlier days of meditation I would freak out because i would realize that I stopped breathing and come out of my meditation earlier than I should have. Dont worry! As you meditate you will slow your heart rate and the feeling of not breathing is your body is relaxed and at peace therefore not needing as much oxygen as it does when its moving. Look at it this way Meditation is the opposite of running, literally.
4) Focus on the tip of your nose. Meditation lets you sense/see with your 3rd eye, know to many of you as your Sixth Sense. Its there trust me. By focusing on the tip of your nose you are aligned to that third eye and eventually once you find your 3rd eye will not need to focus on the tip of your nose.
5) When all of the noise(thoughts) are gone and only one thought remains just listen. You will get the answers you are looking for because honestly from where I stand - that's god talking to me. Telling me how to move forward. I started writing this blog because of that one thought.

I hope you all find this useful and if you do please join us on Facebook as well as tell your friends. My goal is simple with this blog and everything that I do,  I look to DoGOOD and help pass along information to make this world a better place. There is so much good in this world but evil has overshadowed it with its greed and deceit. So if you are with me then stand - and show for once and for all that power of Good will always be stronger than the power of evil.



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