Monday, November 21, 2011

What is Karma

Growing up Hindu I heard my father on various occasions say that "Karmodharm hi Parmodharam hain" - your karma is your ultimate duty. Its funny that in Western culture karma is looked upon as doing good deeds and by doing them you will be rewarded with a good life.

While in Kishkindha, India this past summer I had the opportunity of sitting with the Temple Guru where Hanuman Ji was born. In our conversations I asked him what the meaning of life was. "Karma" he responded. A little subduded by his prose yet assertive response, I needed to be a little bit more enlightening. "Karma you mean do good things - that's the meaning of life" He gave me a peaceful stare and then broke it down a little bit more for me. "Karma is not doing just good deeds. We all fit into this world with our karma - we must walk the path of karma without expecting anything in return. Once we start doing this we will find that sense of peace and purpose that we all are searching for." He continued and this next part was the startling part for me, " if you are born into this world to be a thief then it is your a part of your karma to steal. If you don't steal you will never find that peace that many of us look for."

As I walked out of the temple I was astounded, confused, at peace and enlightened all at once. The simple fact of we must do what our duty is and that determines our experience and our perspective in this world was very eye opening. It goes to show you that we are all part of something much bigger, we are all connected but it is our roles in this big picture that is pre-determined. When I asked the Guru how would I know what my karma is he told me that my soul would tell me. For that I need to meditate. . .

So at the end of it at all - do your part, know your role and follow your Karma.

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