Saturday, November 19, 2011

Aham Brahmasmi

Its been a while since I've written on here. My personal life has taken me on quite the journey since my last post and I have learned a lot along the way. Its only fitting and about time that I come back here to share with the world what I have learned in these past few months.

Before I get into Aham Brahmasmi - I must tell give you a bit of background. According to the Gita all that surrounds us is known as Brahman. In actuality Lord Krishna's conversation with the Arjun in the Gita covers a big chunk of the time-space continuum. Brahman is also known as the name of God. In my journeys over the course of the a year I learned this term Aham Brahmasmi. It means that I am Brahman.

The thought that I am God seems to be very narcissistic and egotistical. But there is something to be said here. If you really think about it - your reality is exclusively yours. Your brain is the computer that processes all of the signals that your senses pick up and translates them for you. Therefore two people can quite honestly never live the same reality. If this is your reality - then shouldn't you be to far from thinking that you maybe your own god. At this point in life I have realized that we all put our thoughts out into the world, almost like a radio tower. Sometimes those thoughts can become reality. Have you ever realized your greatest fear? Ever think it would be awesome if "this happened" and then it does? You could think I'm a stoned hippy at this moment or you can do some research on your sub-conscience and its impact on you and your world.

Aham Brahmasmi - I am God. If you really start thinking of your world that way - guess who becomes accountable for everything happening in it? The purpose of God, Religion and everything in between is not to follow a set of procedures but self-realization and manifestation of the true power of your soul. If I told you can change your world, all you have to do is believe, would you? Be happy, be kind, be generous and be good - because at the end of the day I dont know if we are God per say - but I do know that God lives within me, therefore everyone I meet should encounter a touch of that divinity.


Love all and let the light within shine bright. 

-Digital Hindu


  1. <3

    Isn't life more amazing knowing tht we are all God??

  2. "...Your brain is the computer that processes all of the singles that your senses pick up..". Wonder is the word singles or signals...

  3. When the evil is out from your mind GOD is within you. But there is evil GOD will not be there. Evil enters in you when HIMSA is conquered.TRUTH TRIUMPH AND PITY ARE THE OTHER AMES OF AHIMSA.

  4. God's power (Shakti) is within you.... Like current for lighting...

    Please reflect upon your own body and see if GOD can live in a body which is full of cold, cough, all kinds of toxic etc. and does what all with their bodies like sex etc.

    God's Power is within us and his Grace is Upon and right above us :-)
