Monday, July 26, 2010

Lord Krishna and his connection to 2012

At the onset of this blog I mentioned that there was a link to 2012 and Hinduism. You see with all of the 2012 hype going on I really did want to know what Hinduism's take is on 2012. Here's what I know(I'm learning something new everyday, so as I learn more I'll make sure to update this).  Now remember the Mayan calendar is one of the most popular topics on 2012, basically its a calendar that ends on12/22/2012 and calls for a new age. Here are some facts about Hinduism you need to know:

1) Regardless of the number of gods and Avatars in Hinduism, Hindu's believe in a single God, other was known as Brahman, easily translated to everything. It has been said in the Ramayan and in the Bhagvad Gita that God is not dead or live, man or female, good or bad, old nor young. God is in everything and in everyone. Interestingly enough there are a lot of parallels here for the Big Bang Theory.
2) Everything in Hinduism is a cycle. A primary principle in Hinduism is that nothing ever ends, it just transforms. Reincarnations should make sense now. Just like water freezes to make ice, evaporates into gas and condenses into rain so is also true about everything else in existence.
3) According to Hinduism the Earth has 4 Yugas, there are 4 Yuga's: Satya-yuga(first) = 1,728,000 years. The duration of the Tretā-yuga(second) 1,296,000 years. The duration of the Dvāpara-yuga(third) is 864,000 years. And the last, the Kali-yuga(current), 432,000 years. - Dont worry all of this information is found in the Bhagavad Gita, interestingly all yuga's added up together equal approximately 4.3 Billion years( FYI - it is believed that live was formed on the planet 4.6 Billion years ago).
4)  Kali-Yuga started after Krishna's disappearence - 5,147 years ago. The Mayan Calendar is based on a 5,126 year cycle.
5) Hinduism is based on the Lunar Calendar and the Mayan Calendar is based on Solar Calender. The difference between both 5.25 days(Solar calendar has more days)

Now that all of this out of the way here's the deal.

In the Gita, Krishna tells Arjun that approx. 5,000 years into Kaliyug(current Yuga as known as the Era of Vices) a Golden Era shall arrive of peace, love and enlightment. It will be a break from the Kaliyug and bring 10,000 years of enlightment after which Kaliyug would return and the road will be set towards Armageddon, yes the same Armageddon that the bible speaks of in almost the same direct manner. Here's the kicker the timelines of the Mayan Calendar and the timeline of Krishna's disappereance have a lot of similarities. Also if you ever read about Krishna you'll quickly realize that his story is very, very reminicent of another man, Jesus Christ. Some say one copied the other - I say God is a great marketer and knows how to get his message across, that's why two men but pretty much the same story. Regardless of who came first.

Do I believe there will be nothing but love, peace and happiness - yeah I do. Will the road be easy, probably not. If you look around us all you see is a world where everyone is out for themselves and many believe in the power money rather than the power of good. I dont know who this will reach and if they'll find it useful. What I do know is that life is more than money, career, and material goods. Don't get me wrong I like all of those things and there is a place for all of them but it wasn't what we sent here to do. What were we sent here to do?  LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH. Hinduism also believes that heaven and hell both exist here on earth. Its our Karma that puts us on our path.

Regardless of whether there is a Golden Age or an Apocolypse, the message is simple, look beyond yourself. Love everyone around you and respect anyone that you meet. Valmiki, the author of the Ramayan, was robber but he went on to write the Ramayan. Its not just in some of us, its in all of us. Our capacity for good is what make us human, its our love not our hatred that makes us an image of God. Find your path and spread love, that's why we're here.


  1. Lord Krishna's disappearence - 5,147 years ago - is a wrong information. It was before several thousands years ago.
