Friday, April 13, 2012

Science and Relgion

Science and Religion. The debate about science and religion is one that can continue for years on end. Two polar opposites that interestingly enough require both faith, belief and practice. One searches for that one Universal Element while the other preaches that the element is God. 20 years ago this debate would have raged on as both sides would contest their beliefs and values. But today things are a little interesting.

Hinduism, as it is popularly known around is the religion of many Gods, The Gita, Cow worshipping, ashrams, devotion, peace and love. But the truth is Hinduism, while known for its many religious books and Gods - also is the only religion that explains the world around us. The age of the universe, the number of lifeforms in the Universe, Energy and Matter, number of planets and moons. Please remember that the youngest of these religious books is at least 5,000 years old. With in the knowledge of Hinduism comes the various incarnations of Gods there is the hidden fact that we and everything else in this Universe is energy. Within that energy there is a duality, one of self(Purush) and that of reality(Prakriti). Self is governed by two modes :The Conscious and the Sub-Conscious.  The Sub-Conscious is universally amongst all Universal beings and the is the supreme being, Brahman, God. This is what Hinduism teaches amongst its many other things.

Today, in 2012 Science is starting to prove some of this. Psychology and Physics has come a very long way. Physics has been able to prove that everything including us, is energy that vibrates at various frequencies. Psychology has one way or another crossed over into Meta-Physics and discussions about these vibrations have become very interesting. Dr. Masaru Emoto has taken high powered pictures of of frozen water crystals to prove an interesting point. See before the water for most of these pictures were frozen they either were spoken to softly with positive messages or yelled at with aggression with negative messages. The Crystals from the negative messages were broken, and destroyed, while the crystals from the postive messages were beautiful.

Cognitive behavior therapy uses the concept of positive thoughts and emotions into the sub-concious to create a better conscious. This is one of the many reasons the words of God, any God, are uplifiting. They get to us on a different level and in change the vibration of of personal energy. That vibrations attracts similar vibrations. Haven't you ever seen positive happy people with other positive happy people? Negative people use with others or alone? If you are cheerful, happy and calm you spread a calmness but if you are timid, angry and bewildered you only spread stress and tension. This is one of the many reasons most Hindus are vegetarians. The vibrations of the animal's animalistic behavior will mix into our thought process and energy. 

Religion is being proven true by Science. What I have discussed here is just the tip of the iceberg, but what's important is to understand that it is through love and compassion that happiness will be found. The more love and compassion you put out into the world, the more love and compassion will surround you. 

Love all and let the light within shine bright. 

-Digital Hindu

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