Thursday, February 9, 2012

At the top of the world.

At the top of the world.
During June and July of 2011,  every night in my dreams, I kept seeing visions of the prayer flags with the Himalayas in the background. By then my body had completely starting shutting down from the amount of stress I was under at work. I made a point that I needed to do something I hadn't done in 3 years and that was take a true vacation, starting August 15th. Unfortunately as life did its thing, by the time i got to India a lot in my life had changed. But as I have always been told by people that love me unconditionally, regardless of what happens always make sure to keep moving forward. 

When I took that picture on September 3, 2011 I had been in India for 3 weeks and  in Leh for 3 days. On that same afternoon I got the opportunity to to visit some monestaries and as I walked around I saw something that looked familiar.  It took a moment, but there I was at one of the highest peaks in the world and realized my dreams had came true. I had the chance to sit at peace and take in the site that I had been envisioning for months at that point. The journey to this moment was a long and tedious one. My body was not cooperating with me one bit, but as I sat there in serenity and peace, with the wind providing a nice cooling breeze and I just took a moment to take meditate.

My trip in India took me to many places. But I will remember that afternoon in Leh forever. Everything that life had taught me until then was completely overshadowed by thought while I looked at those prayer flags, dreams can come true. You just have to try. I'm a firm believer that mediation for everyone is something different, but to me when I meditate, I find clarity or new beginnings. That day when I was in Leh, I knew that my time as a business guy, as a suit was over. I knew that my job was do as much good in this world as possible. If anything give people a chance at life, to remind them that life won't always be easy - but to always remember that good will never die.  
From there I found I purpose again. I ended up spending the rest of my trip in India, mixing with locals, visiting orphanages and just seeing how many people are working with, very little resources and doing everything that they can for these kids. These are people that will do anything to make sure every person has a fighting chance at life. These moments inspired me in ways that I can't explain all I know is I picked up the name of Digital Hindu and decided from that moment forward I would remind others to be compassionate, loving and to do good. I decided to join those DoGOODers of the world that dream not for themselves, but for others in a hope that this world will become a better place.

All of this came from that one moment where I felt like I was on the top of the world. 

Love all and let the light within shine bright. 

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