Sunday, December 18, 2011

Never give up

2011 has been a year that has personally put me in the eye of the storm so to speak. I started this year an entrepreneur, but as the year progressed things started changing, for the worst. I lost a very important relationship in my life, my company shutdown, my personal wealth went into the negatives and all the people that I loved and cared about seriously began second guessing my character and what I truly stood for.

The fact of the matter was all of this could dwindle down to a few choices that I made in my life, all of them having to do with the people that I decided to trust in my dealings. I have spent the better part of the last few months trying to get back what once was. For a while there I was putting all of my energy into holding on to the past, making everything the way it once was. In the process, like I have said before, God found me. Quite honestly I felt like he was stalking me. I had let go of my faith in him, I had decided that this world was lost because if there was a God, then the person that I was, would never have to deal with the things that I had to deal with. And sometime in the last few weeks, I changed again. I realized that all of those bad things that have happened to me are happening to me because it is time to move on. To become the next, better version of me. One of the status updates, on, this week was:

" It has been said, "nothing in life dies, it just transforms." What you think is lost today, will comeback to you in a new way tomorrow." 

See I was so busy trying to hold onto the past that I was ignoring the fact that things were evolving. Every relationship that I had lost or was stressed was now changing into something different. Those employees that I once had in my business, today are my becoming my business partners for the greatest dream of my life. Those people that have or still are questioning my character will continue to do so. I am continuing the way that I always have. Do I trust everyone again, yes, but I'm smarter about it. Do I think that one day I will show people that what I was, who I was - wasn't wrong - HELL YES! 

See God never let go, he held on. Even when I didn't. When I was lost he took over but now I am lost no more. I move forward everyday and I try. I dont look for success or accolades or to prove myself right. I'm doing exactly what Lord Krishna told me to do in the Bhagavad Gita - every action that I do, I do with the the thought of God, of Good without expecting any results. I do things not because it will make me rich or get me attention. I do them because they are the right things to do. When I look back the amount of "success" I have attained in life I realize that most of it - I was just doing my Karm(a).  

"Never give up. The desire not fail that comes from with in you, is greater than humanity. It's the good that comes from the light within."

The things that you should be doing and are the ones that will bother you the most. The reason is simple that's your path. You could choose to give up - its normal, I did - but always remember that to find that internal peace that each of us is looking for can only be found by picking the broken pieces of  our lives and move forward. Just remember, "Respect is the glue that keeps love alive. Every religion teaches the concept of respecting everyone. You are not here to judge others, you are here to be the best person that you can be and hopefully inspire others to be all that they can be."

So move forward, with love in your hearts, respect in your actions, and Good on your mind. The road will be easy as long as you remember why you are doing the things that you do and that in every step you are doing good. Redefine who you are and write a story that is worth sharing. Funny how when you remove a letter for Good you get God and you add a letter to Evil - you get the Devil. 

Love all and let the light within shine bright. . .


  1. "Every religion teaches the concept of respecting everyone."

    Bible, Old Testament & Koran r categorical in condeming heathens or pagans or kaffirs.

    even justifying killing them.

  2. Can reference me the specific scripture please?
