What a better way to start this off than talk about a topic that is probably on everyone's mind. 2012. December 21st, 2012 to be exact. A day that a hollywood movie portrayed as the end of mankind, to a large extent. Not going to lie it takes stupid things like movies to freak me out. Like most people when we freak out we look for answers. For my fellow Generation Y'ers we usually start with Google. But sometimes there is too much there to really get what you want. But the reality is when we think of mortality, death and catastrophe, like most people in my generation we turn to the religion that we know. For me its Hinduism - and when thinking of 2012 I really wanted to know what the oldest religion in the world had to say about it. The more I searched the more positive things looked like. Seems like the oldest religion in the world has a much more positive look on 2012 than most of the western world.
One thing that I did realize while searching was that my generation for most part is not well intuned with Sanskrit or even reading Hindi. We are a generation that knows who we are and where we come from, but in times when we need answers we are tied down to whatever search links lead us to. For me that's a problem. Hinduism is based on the concept of love, peace, and prosperity for all. There is a lot we can learn from it and as the saying goes knowledge is power. So from here on out I will sit and write. Anything I can find, any thing that I can comment on, anyway that myself and any of the contributers of this blog can spread the word, we will. In the coming weeks I plan on creating content for this blog, it will be a work in progress but we are going to give it a shot. I would love for this to be a resource for anyone in my generation that needs more answers.
So to start this blog as all things start in hinduism with three words Om Namah Shivaya. I say it, you probably say it but do we really know what it means? We'll here you go:
An explanation that sounded good to me from: http://healthywealthyandreallysmart.blogspot.com
The six syllables of the full chant refer to the first six chakras that run from the root of the spine to the ajna chakra (3rd eye.)
While there is no direct translation it can mean "I bow to God" and repetition should be done with full awareness of its meaning, rather than simply repeating it for repetition's sake.
Om refers to the universal Energy, or sound of God
Nama, as two syllables, na ma, can mean "I bow before you."
The trinity of syllables of Shi va ya refers to Shiva, or God and asks that all God's energies be directed to you to bless you and lead you to the highest state of peace and meditation, which we refer to as Bliss.
Shiva is also the image of God which is said to bring to a close the trinity cycle of Creation, Destruction, and Rebirth.
Some people think of the mantra and God as the destroyer of our illusion (maya) and ignorance that stands in the way of perfect union and enlightenment.
Oh by the way - there is a significat connection between 2012, the Mayan calendar, Hinduism and Lord Krishna.
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